Neko Case Modest Mouse M. Ward
Modest Mouse CO Trans Am The Fall
The Flaming Lips
  The Fall : By Geoff Peveto : SOLD OUT  
I had this snapshot of Casey Burns laying around from the first Seattle Flatstock. Just happened to snap it when he was yelling something at someone. He was wearing an old Cat's Cradle shirt and shortly after that Seattle trip he started playing with his band The Nein. I told him to let me know when he had a show coming up at The Cradle and I'd make him a poster. As luck would have it they got a sweet gig opening for indie rock legends The Fall. I had also just gone out shooting old signs to make some typefaces so this poster got the debut of Mrs. Gomez. Shot at an abandoned Mexican restaurant that had a menu with every letter in the alphabet. Chank Diesel even turned this into an actual font for me!

with: The Nein and Dan Melchior's Broke Review
size: 20 x 26
colors: 2